Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The Splendour that was…

This year’s Splendour in the Grass wasn’t a typical all music, all dancing, all carny food affair for us. Seam Magazine helped out designer Alice Nightingale at her stall, positioned conveniently between the GW McLennan and Mix Up stages. We heard a lot of great music, but being stuck in a 3-by-3-metred tent for a week wasn’t quite as exciting as all of the free-ranging punters probably found it. But there were some memorable moments we feel need to be shared…

1. Dust - It was everywhere! (see: not a camping person)

2. Alan! Steve! – Obviously everyone at Splendour has seen this YouTube video and felt the need to communicate in marmot

3. 'Love you' – Love was in the air at Splendour. ‘Goodbye’ was often replaced with ‘love you’ exclamations. Even got one from a stranger myself awww

4. Floppy hats and crocheted tablecloths – lots of ladies turned up on Day One wearing a felt floppy Sportsgirl-esque hat. From Day Two onwards there were none to be seen. And crocheted tablecloths have apparently become clothing items, in the least tea-drinking-nana-knitting way possible. Luckily they’re now probably unusable from all the dust.

5. Regina Spektor beatboxing – with doof doof coming from the Mix Up stage drowning out Regina’s delicate and quirky sound, she decided to give them a run for their money. That girl’s got talent!

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